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Want to Compare?

Analyse and compare tax systems from CEE-Countries.

12 countries. 12 tax systems.

The current developments within CEE Countries are accompanied by ongoing changes in tax systems. For investors, this means numerous new developments to take into account.

The TPA Group offers an overview of 12 tax systems in CEE and highlights the current business environment and the most important new developments.
The information is based on the present legal situation and current administrative practice, and is therefore subject to change. The information is general in nature, and of necessity abridged: the information stated on this website is not a substitute for individual, specific advice.
Our CEE experts will be happy to answer your questions in more detail.


The TPA Group
Wiedner Guertel 13, Turm 24
1100 Vienna

Opening Hours:

Mo-Th: 08:00 – 17:00

Fr: 08:00 – 14:00

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